Monday, March 1, 2010

How to Keep Summer Storms From Killing Your Auto Insurance Quotes

If April flowers bring May flowers, what do May flowers bring? Bees. Honey. And the absolute certainty it won't be long before summer storms start ripping their way across the U.S.! Don't forget about your car while you're boarding up your windows and putting new shingles on your roof. You'd be shocked and appalled by the damage that summer storms can do to your auto insurance quotes.

What does a healthy summer rain have to do with insurance? Not much, until you're out driving in it. If you live in a part of the country that gets real summer storms rather than the occasional drizzle, you know what we're talking about. Whether it's tornadoes, hurricanes, wind storms or simply a deluge that guarantees you can't see 3 feet in front of your face, summer storms can set the stage for a horrific on-road experience.

While safe driving will go a long way toward keeping summer storms from killing you, there are some things you can do off the road to keep them from killing your auto insurance quotes.

First and foremost, cut back on the commute. Whether you can take the bus or work from home a couple of days a week, every little bit helps. The less time you spend on the road, the less likely you are to be in an accident. When you consider that rule applies anytime, it's easy to see where cutting the commute can help cut your auto insurance quotes all year long!

How are your tires? Good tires with good tread are vital if you're going to be driving on rain-slick highways. You might want to consider anti-lock brakes and any other safety feature your favorite manufacturer can come up with to keep you and your passengers safe. You also might want to consider taking some defensive driving classes that focus on weather emergencies so you have the knowledge you need to make the right choice in the split second Mother Nature's going to give you.

Speaking of making the right choice, how's your garage doing these days? You'd be amazed at the difference a good garage can make in your car's future health and happiness. By protecting your windshield from the rain, hail and other assorted nasties that would love to make mincemeat out of your family vehicle you're minimizing the chances that you'll need to file an insurance claim-and keeping your auto insurance quotes down while you're at it!

The best thing you can do for your insurance is to stay safe out on the roads, but the rest of it can't hurt either. After all, while you can't tell Mother Nature when, where or how she can unleash her fury, you can set the stage to enjoy it instead of worrying over what it's going to do to your insurance.

Tony Peck is the Director of Business Operations for To learn more about summer storms, auto insurance quotes and you, visit them on the web at

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