Monday, March 1, 2010

Searching For Your Car Insurance Policy

Finding an affordable car insurance Northern Ireland policy may not be one of the easiest things in the world. Many things may affect your quotes and one of them is where you live. If you live in Northern Ireland for example, car insurance prices may be a more than in other areas, even if you are able to find an insurance company willing to offer you cover.

Factors that determine how much you may pay for your cover

Many factors may go towards how much your car insurance Northern Ireland policy costs. Here are just some of them.

Your vehicle

The type of car, make and model typically go towards setting your car insurance Northern Ireland quotes. If you own a moderately small family orientated vehicle you may typically pay less for your insurance each month than someone owning a top of the range brand new sports car. In short, the more powerful the engine, the more the insurance will cost.

Your age

Age typically plays a part in how much you might need to pay out for your motor insurance. Younger drivers are often penalised as they have less experience than the older driver has and therefore are seen as a higher risk. Older drivers also have the benefit of no claims bonus behind them, which typically means that they make savings on their insurance.


Gender may also be taken into account towards how much your car insurance Northern Ireland premiums might be.


The security of your vehicle may affect your insurance premiums. If you do not have a garage or carport in which to park your vehicle overnight, your insurance premiums may be slightly higher. This is because if the vehicle is on the road it may be damaged by vandals, passing vehicles or it might be stolen more easily. Installing security alarms may help you to shave a little off the premiums. For instance, your vehicle may be more secure if it has a steering wheel lock, an immobiliser or a tracking device installed.

How you use your car

How you intend to use your vehicle may have an effect on the cost of your car insurance Northern Ireland policy. If for example the car you want to insure is a second one and not typically used all the time, you may wish to take a limited mileage policy. You would state the mileage you travel per year with your car and typically may get cheaper rates. If you do have more than one vehicle, you may also wish to look into insuring both of the vehicles together to get a reduction in premiums, if the car insurance provider offers this facility.

Roger Jones is a writer for Northern Ireland Insurance centre. Compare car insurance NI - cheaper quotes are found online. We only show companies that quote for Northern Ireland.

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